Sajid Khan
4 min readJan 18, 2018


I am suing President Trump’s doctor for his misleading report on President Trump’s health.

I got interested in researching wisdom by accident. I started by researching schizophrenia and when I found that it commences in the fetus stage due to conscious pain in the womb; I figured that if the pain in the uterus leads to the possibility of schizophrenia, then conscious pleasure in the womb must also have consequences. One insight led to another, and I ended up with wisdom being the smoke where emotional health is the fire. One thing that bugged me was, having published hundreds of articles on wisdom I was told that as wisdom cannot be measured, it can never be a science. So I applied for a patent on wisdom as science. One patent officer told me that I was crazy as no one can patent wisdom! After several rejections, I finally got success with,

Patent US7029282 — E.I.Q. tests (Emotional Intelligence Quotient Tests …

Now not only can wisdom be measured, emotions, people, groups, countries, and even leaders can also be measured! I have also created a Leadership Rating Test.

Given the fact that President Trump has an emotionally challenged brain I am taking the following action against his doctor.

Notice of Claim Against Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House Doctor, and the White House Medical Unit.

Dr. Jackson’s diagnosis that President Trump is in excellent health is false. It is quite obvious that President Trump has serious emotional health problems. Emotional health is a fundamental component of overall health and as President Trump’s behavior is often emotionally challenged, it is crystal clear that he has emotional health issues.

The elephant in the room that all doctors somehow miss while taking a physical exam is the emotionally challenged brain that shapes individual lives and society. No wonder society is in such a mess as the emotional health of the examined is not even on the radar screen. For the sake of the entire country, this has to change.

While all other experts have mostly observed President Trump as either very good or very bad; I can prove that he has a brilliant mind along with an emotionally challenged brain. So Dr. Jackson giving President Trump an excellent bill of health is simply misleading.

For leadership of the United States, a top class mind and a perfectly emotionally healthy brain are essential. However, as President Trump is our legitimately elected leader we must make the best of this unfortunate situation. Here is what I need to withdraw this claim and not proceed with the lawsuit:

1) President Trump is showing signs of an emotionally challenged brain. He needs Brain Therapy. He must agree to Brain Therapy.

2) He is showing signs of inadequate sleep. He must be made to sleep at least 6 hours a day.

3) Whenever a physical exam is conducted, an additional emotional health exam must also be given. Thus the President must be examined by a regular doctor and a psychiatrist.

4) Dr. Jackson may choose to not acknowledge that President Trump has emotional health issues that need to be addressed. My aim is not to insult the president, only to enable him to avoid emotionally challenged behavior by learning to manage his emotionally challenged brain and even perhaps help him heal his brain.

Please acknowledge this Notice of Claim and let me know the response. If appropriate action is not taken there is no choice but to sue Dr. Jackson.

Sajid Khan

cc: Office of Legal Counsel, The White House


The following is the test that President Trump needs to take, not the 5th-grade level test his doctor gave him.

1) Is his heart (brain) and mind on the same page? This is the most important question.

2) How much real success has he achieved working with others?

3) Does he use spin to impress?

4) Does he behave differently in private than in public?

5) Does he lose his temper?

6) Does he show the same respect to all including his assistants?

7) Is he a good listener?

8) How is his health? This means his physical and mental health.

9) Is he humble? (As humility is wisdom.)

10) Is he a lifelong learner?

11) Does he inspire you?

12) Does he have a boxed-in ideology?

13) Is he jingoistic?

14) Is he ridged in his perceptions?

15) Does he trust other experts to do their jobs?

16) Does he delegate?

17) Has he crossed any red lines in the past?

18) Does he own up to mistakes?

19) What kind of upbringing did he have?

20) How good is he in taking expert advice?

21) Does he have any original ideas?

22) How does he handle personal failures and setbacks?

23) How does he handle personal finances?

24) What kind of advisers does he have?

25) Does he accept contributions from above suspicion sources only?

26) How green are his house and vehicles?

27) How good is he with his family?

28) Can you say he is altruistic?

29) Is his personality made up of substance or spin?

30) Does he act or react?

31) What kind of confidence does he show?

32) Has he used his campaign chest wisely?

33) Can his advisers tell him when he is wrong?

34) Does he research the issues as an insider?

35) Does he articulate his messages?

36) Does he mean what he says?

37) Does he have integrity?

38) Does he have patients?

39) Does he respect and treat all sections of society equally?

40) Is he always honest?

