Respected Summit Leaders:
I am the only expert of my kind. I am the only one asking world changing questions and have the solutions to these questions.
1) How come infrastructure, incomes, inventions, education, sciences are all improving and yet drug addictions, suicides, divorce, sleeplessness, unhappiness, tiredness, wars etc. are as bad as ever?
2) How come Black girls are thriving and their brothers are to a larger extent messed up?
3) Emotional Health is the foundation of health and so why is there no testing or manual for emotional health?
4) What is the mind?
5) There are 40,000 books on happiness and yet not one makes you happy?
I can define, measure and create wisdom in dozens of ways!
“The World Needs What Our Philosophers Have Been Saying Since Time Immemorial — WISDOM.” — @Brainwizard
I have made wisdom into a science and have many mega money making and life improving applications.
Wisdom 3.0 — Sajid Khan — Medium
So if you want to change the world from the current mess into wisdom then please let me know and let’s work together.
Kind Regards
Sajid Khan
4th R Foundation
2 Union Place
Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660