Sajid Khan
5 min readJun 17, 2019


“It is simply amazing that a false assumption, “Wisdom cannot be described in words” is causing so much damage to society. The fundamental stumbling block to a wise society is this wrongly held belief. Each and everyone of wisdom’s attributes is wisdom. Every attribute of wisdom can be described in words. Thus wisdom can be described in words simply by defining it as its attributes.” — Sajid Khan

Since time immemorial our prophets and philosophers have been struggling to understand, define, measure and teach wisdom as they know that the key to Utopia is a wise society. All they have been doing is they keep describing the attributes of wisdom as the qualities of wisdom. There is a simple trick to understanding, defining, measuring and teaching wisdom. Just define wisdom by each and everyone of its attributes which can all be defined in words. Every attribute can be very clearly understood, defined, measured and taught. Instead of working with the belief that wisdom cannot be described in words our experts need to understand that wisdom is everyone of its attributes.

Thus wisdom can be defined, measured and created by defining, measuring and creating any and all of its attributes.

The World Needs What Our Philosophers Have Been Saying Since Time Immemorial — WISDOM.

The world is forced into a tribal society where every little difference of religious beliefs, language, culture, geography, class, and caste is exploited and milked by the criminal elements at every level from individual, group, business and country levels. Right now the war industry is itching for a major war not only to force the diversion of funds into huge profits for themselves, they need to test their latest weapons on the real battlefields. As a result the world is bogged down with the disastrous consequences of bloated defense budgets….

War inflicts death, pain, and destruction at every level. At the UN where the experts and leaders are supposed to be the masters of peace. they have no clue to the real cause of all this mess. War is the worst kind of emotionally challenged behavior. Yet not once at the UN has there been any mention of emotionally challenged country and group images as the real cause for war. Most countries produce a bloated and jingoistic group and country image.

The solution is emotional health at the individual, group and country levels. The world needs what our philosophers have been saying since time immemorial — WISDOM. Making the world wise is the only way out from the current UN inflected hell into a life of health, happiness, prosperity and peace. I have defined wisdom as a science and have described wisdom with hundreds of published articles. Here is my latest take on wisdom:

Wisdom Is A #Statusless Self-Image, Group-Image and Country-Image.
Wisdom can be defined, measured and created by defining, measuring and creating any and all of its attributes. The problem with the wisdom experts is that they describe wisdom by its attributes, which is is like saying these are the qualities of wisdom. The simple trick is to define the attributes as wisdom, only because this way is effective and it works. Here is one of the attributes: #statuslessness defined as not just as a quality of wisdom but as wisdom itself!
Relationships around the world are a mess between individuals, groups and countries. All this chaos is due to just one simple factor. Our experts have given up on the one solution that can wipe out this problem; making the world wise! Wisdom is the panacea of the ills of society. But our experts have given up on wisdom! When they could not figure out wisdom after trying for hundreds of years a few decades ago they shifted to emotional intelligence as the cure. They are still stuck on emotional intelligence even though they are having the same problems with emotional intelligence as they have had with wisdom. The experts are treating emotional intelligence as an independent entity when it is a secondary entity. Emotional intelligence is a fragrance of the brain, in order to improve a fragrance the plant has to be improved. To improve emotional intelligence the brain has to be healed.
Our leaders are trying very hard to overcome the ills of society and are yet going nowhere, accomplishing little. It is because they are trapped in the ignorance of our experts. Wisdom and emotional intelligence are one and the same entity. They are the smoke where emotional health is the fire. Our experts have been trying to create smoke without lighting the fire. No wonder society is a mess. If only the focus is shifted to creating emotional health we will achieve the goal of creating a social ills free society. It will not only remove the ills of society, it will create a truly happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful world.

We can define wisdom as emotional intelligence and both as emotional health! Emotional health is all about status. There are roughly four levels of status for the self-image as follows.

1) Premature self-image. (-2) It is self absorbed, self-centered and totally selfish. Considers itself as all important.
2) Immature self-image. (-1) It is an opportunist and corrupt. It knows that it is not that important but wants to be by hook or by crook.
3) Mature self-image. (+1) Egoist and considers itself to be the best, even though in its view all are equal.
4) Super mature self-image. (+2) A selfless self-image where there is no conscious idea of any kind of self-status. A #statusless self-image. ( A #statusless self-image generates wisdom.)

Emotional health we can define as statuslessness. #Statuslessness is very easy to nurture from birth onward in every child.

A perfect example is the story of Adam and Eve. When Adam and Eve were first created they had no idea of their own value. Not once did they pay any attention to their own self-importance. As soon as Satan introduced their self-importance their world changed from wisdom into ignorance. From being worthy of heaven they became unworthy.

Wisdom can also be cultivated through any and all the attributes of wisdom like humility, selflessness, #othercenteredness and love etc. where each one of these attributes springs from emotional health.

Wisdom is above all selfless love and just as love is an emotion so is wisdom. Just as pure love cannot be described in word and has to be experienced in pure emotions wisdom too has to be experienced in emotions. Love can be -2, self-love. It can be-1, opportunistic love, It can be +1, egoistic love. It can be +2, selfless love.

Every single ill of society is emotionally challenged behavior and the solution to the mess all around us is to make everyone emotionally healthy. As emotional health is the foundation of health the lack of emotional health testing and manual is the cause of all this emotionally challenged behavior at the individual, group and even country levels.

It is just as easy to create +2 human beings as it is to create +1 humans. The biggest obstacle to creating wisdom is to make our children into, ‘I am the best’ self-images. All we need to do is avoid creating any kind of self-image/status through false over confidence.. Postpone self-identity for as long as possible. Let the self-confidence develop through love, hugs and kisses and treating the child as the center of the universe.

There is a step by step plan to improve education and society by creating wisdom. It is not essential to know wisdom. The key is to become emotionally healthy. The sooner our leaders and experts implement this plan, the world will be on the way to becoming wise. For further review please google, ‘sajid wisdom’.

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