Sajid Khan
4 min readMar 13, 2019

Wisdom Education is Simply Crafting a Selfless Self-Image in the Young Through Wise Parenting and Brain Therapy For all Others.

Wisdom Is The Key To Solving The Current World Mess.

Please help in creating a wise World by improving education, health, and infrastructure by launching a whole new Wisdom Industry. Wisdom 3.0 — Sajid Khan — Medium

What is wisdom?

Wisdom is an emotionally healthy self-image that is innately engrossed in living in the now. Its consciousness is blank about its own self-image. It is focused outward without having any conscious concept of its own self or its own self importance. The self-image is selfless.

The ultimate pleasure of life is living in selflessness. Unconsciously enjoying living from moment to moment without even a little attention paid to the self. When there is no self-image then there is no self-importance, no greed, no jealousy, no fear, no rivalry, no personal ambition and above all no selfishness.
Thus wisdom education is wise parenting that enables selflessness. Every parent needs to be made wise about how to bring up their child. They must be provided with the knowledge means to craft a selfless pure self, ensuring wisdom in every child.

The chief quality of selflessness is humility, the opposite of ego. Humility generates all the goodness in society and the ego generates all the ills of society. So to fix society and make it thrive humility must be created on a massive scale.

In those brought up wise there is no self-image just the pure self. The self-image is a copy of the pure self. It is like eating the real apple verses eating the copy of an apple. Experiencing pure life and experiencing a part phony, made up interpretation of the pure life. When parents introduce a phony trophy self-image they take to removing the pure experiencing of life with a distorted experiencing of life. The element of purity is replaced with impurity. Selflessness is replaced with selfishness. The focus shifts from enjoying life to worrying about what was missed in the past to how life should be in the future. Status becomes more important than life itself.

Wisdom above all is pure love and as love is an emotion, so is wisdom. Wisdom is an emotion that is generated by an emotionally healthy brain. Thus it is emotional health that generates wisdom. Emotional health is wisdom! Wisdom is the smoke where emotional health is the fire. Our experts are busy trying to create smoke when they should be focused on creating emotional health which will generate wisdom effortlessly.

Emotional Health is created by the upbringing provided by the parents. Emotional health quality is determined by the quality of the self-image. In the vast majority the self-image is crafted by dotting parents who shower their infant with the belief of being the best. This creates an emotionally challenged brain that projects an emotionally challenged mind that expresses itself as an emotionally challenged phony overconfident self-image.

Mental illness affects 15% of the population while emotional illness affects 80% of the population from severe to mild. While even the 15% problem is not getting enough attention, the major cause of all these ills of society that affects 80% of the population is getting no attention.

The foundation of health is emotional health and yet there is no testing and no manual for emotional health. What is equally worse is that mental health and emotional health that are two separate entities are lumped together as mental health. Activists like the First Lady of New York and the Prime Minister of New Zealand, are pushing for focusing on mental health and emotional health is under even their radar screen. Even though many mental diseases are the same as those caused by emotional illness, the two are very different in nature. This confusion between the two is the big factor in the cause for suicide, divorce, drug addictions, unhappiness, depression, sleeplessness etc.

We have figured out that how one answers the question, ‘Who am I’ determines the wisdom level. Just imagine after all these hundreds of years of research how to bring up our children, our experts have still not figured out that a selfless, humble self-image is all that it takes to make one wise, that is emotionally healthy.

I am challenging Oprah and her experts to prove me wrong or provide a better solution and if they fail they must accept, promote and implement my proposal to introduce Wise Parenting for the young and brain therapy for the rest.

The vast majority of defective self-images/minds/selves are created by abnormally excessive love of the children. The self-image of being the best is hammered into the brain wiring creating a trophy self-image. Any wonder that the society is the way it is.

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